welcome to my personal website! my nickname is rqfi, change the q to an a and then you would get my real first name. i make stupid things just to make my brain happy and currently struggled to be more productive. did i mention that i live in indonesia? i use my website as a way to introduce myself while staying away from social media for a little bit. don't expect a lot of updates here, i'm busy and lazy at the same time.

what do you do?

video editing or just make videos in general, drawing, programming, making short music sometimes, journaling and work on school.


for some reason, i'm really obsessed of honoring my past. i know that you have to ignore the past and focus on the future but i i just don't know, it happened. i like doodling... characters in a cartoon-ish style, most of the time i draw myself in a cartoon-ish style (yes, i draw myself. do most people do that?). i like old technology, vhs's and '00s computers are right up my alley.

heres my old cat for fun